Close a savings account online

Check if your account can be closed online 

You can close your account using Internet Banking if:

  • The balance is £5 or less
  • You have another account with us to transfer the closing balance to
  • It has a variable interest rate.

To close a Help to Buy: ISA, you need to have a balance of £15,000 or less and a current account, within the same brand, to transfer funds to. An ISA Closure Statement will be emailed to you once closed. 

Not all accounts that meet the criteria are eligible to close online. You can find out how to close your account within the FAQs.

Steps to take

We’ll guide you through it.

  • 1. Log on and select the three dots next to the account you want to close

    2. Select Close account from the drop down menu

    3. If you have any money left when you close your account, we'll ask you which account you'd like this transferred to.

  • 1. Log on and select More actions next to the account you want to close

    2. Select Account Services. Then select Close account

    3. If you have any money left when you close your account., we'll ask you which account you'd like this transferred to.

    Your account will be fully closed the day after your request when it will disappear from your accounts overview page.

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If you're registered for Online Banking, the fastest way to get in touch is by messaging us securely online.

Message us

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How to message us

Let’s look at the details

  • Your account may not be eligible to be closed online for many reasons. For example, because of periods of inactivity or restrictions on your account.

    It may also be because there are early closure charges. If there are charges to close the account early, you can't close it online. Instead, please visit a branch. This is so we can discuss the charge with you first to make sure you are aware of it. The charges usually apply to fixed rate and monthly saver accounts.

    If you can't go to a branch, the account can be closed with a written request.

    A written request must include:

    What you are wanting to do.

    The sort code and account number of the account you want to close.

    Clear instructions if you want us to transfer the money, to either:

    • Another internal account.
    • An external account.
    • Pay them by cheque. 

    The written request must be signed by the account holder. 

    If the account is over £10,000, you must send certified copies of your photographic identification. Please speak to your solicitor who can certify your I.D..

    From the date you have posted the letter, please allow a minimum of either: 

    • Five working days for us to transfer the money into the other account.
    • Ten working days for us to send their money by cheque.

    We can’t action written requests and send money to a third-party account if we don’t hold your signature on file.

    Postal address: Lloyds Bank PLC, Box 1, BX1 1LT

    To speak to someone, please give us a call or visit your nearest branch.

  • Yes, unless you have previously requested that both parties named on the account sign their names to authorise any changes.

  • Please transfer money out of your account so that the balance is £5 or less.

  • If you haven’t received your closing balance, please give us a call or visit your nearest branch.

  • Yes, if you close your savings account online we'll work out any remaining interest on the account. Then, if applicable, we'll transfer it along with the remaining balance to an account chosen by you within 24 hours. A statement showing your closing balance will be shown on screen, once your account is closed. This screen can be printed or saved.

  • There are limits on how many of the same savings account you can hold. For example, you can hold up to 5 Club Lloyds Saver accounts, but only one Club Lloyds Monthly Saver every 12 months. If you had opened the maximum number of accounts, you may have to wait until you are eligible to open another.

    Please note, your account won't be fully closed until the day after your request. It will then disappear from your accounts homepage. You may not be able to open more savings accounts until the account is fully closed.

  • Please visit us at your nearest branch to complete this closure. If you move your balance to a non-ISA account before closure, this money will lose its tax-free status.

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