What can we help you with?

Make Extra Payments

Making extra payments to your loan can reduce the overall interest you’ll pay and may reduce your loan term. If you make extra payments to your loan, you must continue to pay your monthly repaymentsMonthly repaymentsWith a loan, we give you a sum of money up front and each month after that you pay back some of what you owe. That monthly sum is called your repayment. With our personal loans, your repayments are fixed. That means you’ll owe the same amount each month for the entire life of your loan..

Our calculator can help by showing you how.

Discover how to make extra payments

Pay Off Your Loan Early

You can pay off and close your loan early, before the end of the original term you agreed. To make sure you’re paying the right amount, including any loan interest, you’ll need an early settlement quote.

Find out how you can pay off your loan

Take a repayment holiday

A repayment holiday gives you a 1-month break from your loan repaymentsRepaymentsWith a loan, we give you a sum of money up front and each month after that you pay back some of what you owe. That monthly sum is called your repayment. With our personal loans, your repayments are fixed. That means you’ll owe the same amount each month for the entire life of your loan..

You have the option to apply for up to two repayment holidays of 1-month in a rolling 12-month period, subject to approval.

Interest will be charged if you take a repayment holiday. You will pay more interest overall and the original term will extend.

Learn more about repayment holidays

Change your personal details

If you have an existing loan account with us, please tell us of any changes to your address, name or contact details.

Moving abroad

You must be resident in the UK (apart from the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man) to be eligible for a Lloyds Bank Personal Loan.

If you have a loan account with us but move outside the UK in the future, you must let us know as it may affect your ability to hold the account or the services we can provide. We will contact you if we have to close your loan account.

Lloyds Bank is part of Lloyds Banking Group. If you have products with other companies within the Group, moving outside the UK may also affect whether you can continue to hold those.

Borrowing more

If you already have a Lloyds Bank loan, you may be able to borrow more.

You can do this by either replacing your current loan - combining your existing loan with the new borrowing, or you can take out a separate loan.

See Borrowing more for further details.

Money worries

We are here to help

If you are struggling with your finances, or worried about the increased cost of living, you are not alone.

If you're having financial difficulties and are unable to make your normal monthly loan repayment, it's always better to let us know. We're here to listen and help, without any judgement. Picking up the phone wont affect your credit score.

Please take a look at our money worries page, call us or visit any Lloyds Bank branch. 

Help with money worries

Ways to manage your loan

Internet Banking

Some of the things you can do include:

  • Check your loan transactions
  • Make extra payments 
  • Get an early settlement quote
  • Request a repayment holiday

Banking online

It's simple and safe to manage your loan in our app or on our website.

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Money worries

If you are struggling with your finances, or worried about the increased cost of living, you are not alone. We can help.

Support with money worries

Borrowing options

When borrowing money, you need to make the right choice for you and your circumstances.

Borrowing options

Do more with our app

Find out about all the great features of our highly rated app, and how it compares to Internet Banking.

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Whether you’re planning a large purchase, or simply want to get your finances in order, a personal loan could help bring your plans to life.

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Two people putting bags in a car.

Explore personal loans

Whether you’re planning a large purchase, or simply want to get your finances in order, a personal loan could help bring your plans to life.

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