Weather hub: Flood

We'll help you face the worst of the British weather

A quick summary

Flooding is on the increase in the UK and you donā€™t have to live on the coast or next to a river to be at risk. Thatā€™s why weā€™re providing advice to customers before, during and after flooding.

Get free 24-hour flood warnings

Available by phone, text or email, free flood warnings can give you the extra time you need to secure your home or business. 

Sign up for flood warnings in EnglandScotland or Wales. You can use flood maps to check flooding risk in Northern Ireland.

Before a flood

Drawing up your Flood Plan

A Flood Plan can help you act faster when you really need to. It should contain the contact details of useful organisations like Floodline as well as those of your insurance and utility companies.

Is your area prone to flooding?

A combination of increased house building on floodplains, coupled with more intense and violent rainfall, means that more homes than ever are at threat of surface water flooding and ground water flooding. Itā€™s easy to assess your risk.

Call Floodline on 0345 988 1188 and find out. 

Protect yourself in advance

1. Know how to turn off your gas, water and electricity. If youā€™re not sure, ask your supplier for advice.

2. Get a waterproof bag and keep a kit of essential items in it. Things like some emergency money, your insurance documents and a torch. A battery powered radio is also a good idea.

3. If you think you need them, buy special flood protection products like floodboards, airbrick covers and a toilet bung to protect your home from sewer backflow.

4. Put your policy's claims line number in your mobile, so it's with you at all times. Visit our contact us page to find the right number.

You'll find an independent directory of flood protection products and services on the National Flood Forum.

During a flood

What to do if a flood is imminent

1. Turn off your gas and electricity supply if itā€™s safe. Never touch the electricity supply if youā€™re standing in water.

2. Move your valuables and anything else you can up to higher levels in your home if possible.

3. Think about the ways water gets into your home normally. Then turn off your water inlet pipes using non-return valves if you have them, or by plugging the pipes with towels or cloths.

4. Disconnect any household equipment that uses water, like dishwashers, washing machines and fridges with drinking water dispensers.

5. If it looks as if youā€™re going to have to evacuate your home, pack spare clothing and follow any advice given to you by the emergency services.

After a flood

Getting back to normal after a flood

1. Only return when you are sure itā€™s safe. Your local emergency services will advise you.

2. Speak to your gas, electric and water suppliers. They can tell you whether your area has been reconnected.

3. Even if the damage appears slight, your gas and electric systems will need to be inspected by qualified engineers. Gas pipes may be blocked with mud. Your flue and ventilation systems may be damaged. Your main fuse system may have been flooded and your trip switch may be out of action. You will need your home professionally assessed before you can move back into it.

4. Remove any contents that are damaged beyond repair. Donā€™t throw them away yet as you may need them for your claim. Keep carpet or rug samples. Take photographs of all damaged items to help support your claim.

5. If itā€™s practical and safe to do so, open windows so the property can begin to dry out.

Getting help or making a claim

If you need to make a claim, please contact us as soon as possible.

Make a claim

Useful websites

Government advice on flooding and extreme weather.

National Flood Forum
Help and support for people at risk of flooding.

Help and support

Find out how to make a claim, switch your policy to us and more.

Home insurance support

Person looking at phone and laptop.

Help and support

Find out how to make a claim, switch your policy to us and more.

Home insurance support