Money Manager

Keep track of your money online

  • Organise your current account and credit card spending into categories.
  • Use easy to read graphs to see where your money goes.
  • Set up Savings Goals and Spending Plans.

to Internet Banking and get started with Money Manager.

If you have our Mobile Banking app, you can use Spending Insights to manage your money.

Money Manager dashboard showing graphs.
  • In the Spending Analysis tab, a pie chart breaks down where most of your money goes each month.

    After the pie chart thereā€™s a spending total, and an average of money coming in and out of your account.

    You can personalise this section to display exactly what you want.

    Change the date range

    We show this monthā€™s spending by default, but you can change it to any month or to a whole year.

    See individual accounts

    Money Manager displays all your accounts together by default. You can view them one at a time or a combination of them by using filters.


    When money goes into or out of your account, Money Manager tries to put the transaction into a spending category automatically.

    The default categories include:

    • Home and garden
    • Entertainment and leisure
    • Clothing and grooming
    • Groceries.

    There are also subcategories for more detailed analysis. You can even create your own personal subcategories or rename an existing categories.

  • The Transactions tab lists money paid in and out of your account. Here you can categorise items that we havenā€™t automatically grouped or change payments already in a category.

    Sometimes you might want to split a transaction across more than one category. For example, if you buy food and clothes in a single supermarket shop. You can split a transaction up to five times.

    1. Select the transaction.
    2. Choose the amount and category you want to assign to the split item.
    3. Select Save.

    You can also filter your transactions by period of time and by account. You can view transactions against your accounts for up to 2 years.

  • Spending Plans let you set monthly limits on your spending for categories of your choice. For example, groceries or petrol. Creating a plan allows you to see where your money goes and helps you manage your spending.

    You can set up a plan for any spending category. We'll still categorise most of your spending for you.

    You can create up to 10 Spending Plans.

    How do I track the progress of my Spending Plan?

    On the dashboard, weā€™ll keep you up to date with how you are doing on your spending plan. If you want more details, you can track your progress in the spending plans tab. Here youā€™ll see a list of the latest transactions in your spending plan. Weā€™ll also let you know if youā€™ve overspent on a spending plan, so you can adjust it if you need to.

  • The calendar view shows your regular monthly incoming and outgoing payments. You can change the start date.

    You can also add reminders to your calendar. This doesnā€™t make the payment ā€“ it just reminds you that you need to pay it. Discover how to make or change payments.

  • Set up your savings for specific needs - for example, a house deposit or university fees. Use Savings Goals to help you save regularly and check your progress. You can create up to 10 Savings Goals.

    Start your plan

    • Create and personalise your goals.
    • Select an amount, target date and monthly savings.
    • Make regular saving easier with a standing order for each goal.

    Find out how to set up a standing order

    Track your progress

    • Monitor your progress towards your goals.
    • See detailed graphs of actual savings compared to plan.
    • Make top-ups and adjustments easily when you need to.

    You can also move money between goals on the same savings account.

    When youā€™ve reached your goals

    You can archive the goal and withdraw the savings.

    If you decide not to archive the goal and you have a standing order set up, the money will continue to fund your goal.

To start using Money Manager, log on to Internet Banking. Then select one of the Money Manager links from Your Accounts.

Dashboard is the first tab on Money Manager. It shows you an at-a-glance summary of your spending, saving and upcoming payments in graph form.

Letā€™s look at the details

  • Money Manager covers your personal Lloyds Bank current, savings and credit card accounts. You can see all your accounts together or select to view only the ones youā€™re interested in.

    You can opt to view joint accounts or filter them out if you prefer.

  • You can categorise your transactions in two different ways.

    To categorise one of this month's uncategorised transactions, use the link on the Spending Analysis tab. Youā€™ll find it below the pie chart.

    Or you can use the Transactions tab to check what we havenā€™t automatically categorised and add them yourself.  

    1. Select a category heading for an item.
    2. Choose a top-level category and then select the Other category.
    3. Enter a name for your new category.

     Any new categories you create are available for you to use right away, but once you've created one, you canā€™t rename or delete it.

    Other Money Manager users canā€™t see categories you create.

Money Manager is provided to help you manage your personal finances and is not intended to provide legal, tax or financial advice. Personal Internet Banking customers only. Terms and conditions apply. Mobile Banking services may be affected by phone signal and functionality. Must be registered for Internet Banking. Terms and conditions apply.

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