Can I rent out my home?

If you don’t have a Buy-to-Let mortgage, you’ll need to ask for our agreement to rent out your home.

Important to know

If we agree to you renting out your home we'll charge an added rate of 0.5% on top of your existing interest rate and we’ll let you know what the monthly payments will be.

If you manage your mortgage using an annual instalment review scheme (air) your monthly payment will stay the same until your next review date.

How much will it cost?

Use this calculator to give you an idea of how your monthly payments could change

Find your mortgage balance, type, remaining term and interest rates in your Internet Banking account, or in your statement.
If you don't know exactly please enter your best guess.
Enter the percentage rate e.g. 4.55. To find your current interest rate, go to Your Mortgage in Internet Banking, or your latest statement.
Enter the percentage rate e.g. 4.45

Your monthly payment

Remember these results are based on what you've told us. 

New interest rate - including the added rate of 0.5% because you want to rent out your home. 


Your current estimated monthly payment: 


Your new estimated monthly payment: 


A difference of ##diff## each month.

Your monthly payment

Remember these results are based on what you've told us. 

New interest rate - including the added rate of 0.5% because you want to rent out your home. 


Your current estimated monthly payment:


Your new estimated monthly payment: 


A difference of ##diffio## each month.

  • We use these assumptions in the calculation:

    • All years are 365 days.
    • Your interest is worked out monthly.
    • Your mortgage is repayment – where you pay the balance and interest in your monthly payments.
    • Your mortgage is interest only – where you pay the interest monthly and then the balance at the end of the term.
    • Your current interest rate used is based on what you have told us and there are no upcoming changes to this interest rate.
    • There are no other changes that would mean we’d be working out a new monthly payment for you. For example, if you are on an interest rate that tracks the Bank of England Bank Rate and the rate changes, or your current interest rate is coming to an end.
    • We round our estimates to the nearest pound (£).
  • If you have multiple sub account - this is where your mortgage is split into different parts – you’ll need to put each part in separately and add them together to get an amount. This is because your sub accounts may have different interest rate or mortgage types, or have different lengths or time left, known as the ‘term’. 

    Here is an example of how you can use our online calculator to work out your new monthly payment when you have multiple sub accounts. Our example below shows a customer with a £126k mortgage which is split into different sub accounts, each with different mortgage type, term and interest rate.

    By entering the information for each sub account separately, the calculator adds the 0.5% charge on top of the specific sub account details so you can see the estimated increase for each sub account.

    Sub account 1 - £70k repayment mortgage with 12 years remaining and a 6% interest rate – a difference of £18 per month.

    Sub account 2 - £30k repayment mortgage with 15 years remaining and a 7% interest rate – a difference of £8 per month.

    Sub account 3 - £26k interest only mortgage with 10 years remaining and a 7.74% interest rate – a difference of £11 per month.

    Adding the increases for each sub account together gives you an estimate of the total increase in monthly mortgage payments.

     Sub 1 £18 + Sub 2 £8 + Sub 3 £11 = £37

    Each time your interest rate changes, so will the monthly payment. 


Information about renting your home

    • If we agree for you to rent your home, we’ll automatically do annual checks to see if you can continue for another 12 months. We'll send you a letter nearer the time to let you know.
    • You must follow all the laws and rules for renting out your home. Also, see our conditions for renting your home (pdf 124kb) that work alongside your mortgage conditions. 
    • Your mortgage must be active for at least six months to gain our agreement - unless you’re a member of the British Armed Forces, the Diplomatic Service or have tied accommodation.
    • The rent must cover your monthly mortgage payments.
    • We do not allow multiple tenancies.  This is where each tenant signs a separate agreement or has separate facilities such as their own kitchen (or both). The maximum number of tenants on one tenancy is five, and all tenants must be together on one agreement. 
    • Renting your home should be temporary. If it’s permanent consider applying for a Buy to Let mortgage.
    • You can cancel at any time. 
    • your mortgage is closed
    • you owe us less than £5,000
    • your mortgage will be paid off in full in less than 12 months  
    • your mortgage is Buy to Let
    • you’re renting out your home as a Holiday Let for no more than 16 weeks during the next 12 months


  • If you rent out your home without our agreement, or we reasonably believe you’re doing this -

    • we’ll charge an added rate on top of your existing interest rate.  This means your monthly payments will be more.
    • we may charge you extra interest or amounts backdated to when you were, or we think you were renting out your home.
    • you won’t be able to borrow any more on your mortgage.

    If you’ve moved back home, please call us. We’ll let you know what evidence we need you to give to us to show you’re living there. 

To apply

Fill in our online form if you’re registered for Internet Banking

  • You can find the form by logging in to your Internet Banking account and going to Your Mortgage > More actions > Account services > Request consent to lease.

Not registered? Register for Internet Banking now.

If you’d prefer to not register for Internet Banking, fill in this application form.

Once you've submitted your request, we'll write to you to let you know if we agree to you renting out your home for 12 months.


To cancel

If you’ve moved back into your home and want to cancel, fill in our online form by:

  • logging in to Internet Banking and going to Your Mortgage > More actions > Account services > Confirm no longer renting.

Not registered? Register for Internet Banking now.

If you’re not registered for Internet Banking, please fill in this cancellation form.

We will process your cancellation within 10 working days and we’ll let you know when we’ve made the change.

You’ll need to apply again if you want to rent out your home in the future.

You could lose your home if you don’t keep up your mortgage repayments

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