A woman kissing her dog

Lloyds Pet Insurance is arranged and administered by Agria Pet Insurance Ltd. It is underwritten by Agria Försäkring. When getting a quote online you’ll be taken to the Lloyds Pet Insurance website which is hosted by Agria Pet Insurance Ltd, with a new privacy and cookie policy. Lloyds Bank Insurance Services Limited receive a percentage of the total annual premium as commission for introducing and overseeing this product.

Features and benefits

As long as you stay with us, your cat will be covered for new conditions identified after your policy starts. We’ll support you up to your annual cover limit, which resets each year when you renew with us.

Help with vet fees

Up to £12,000 each year towards vet bills.

Free vet video calls 24/7

Free access to expert advice whenever you need it.

Behavioural treatment

Specialist help for common problems, like scent marking and overgrooming, when recommended by your vet.

Lost or stolen pets

Up to £1,000 to help find your cat and up to £250 for a reward after they’re found.

Common future conditions

Cover for a wide range of common conditions, like dental illness, diabetes and skin conditions. As long as there were no symptoms before the policy started. Exclusions apply.

  • Loss from theft, straying or death

    Our pets can’t be replaced, but you can add up to £1,500 cover for your pet’s purchase or donation price if they’re lost or stolen and not found within 45 days, or if they sadly die from illness or injury.

    Boarding fees and holiday cancellation

    Up to £1,500 to help look after your cat if you or someone in your immediate family ends up in hospital for more than three days. And up to £2,000 for holiday cancellations if your vet believes your cat needs emergency treatment in the seven days before or during a holiday.

    Overseas travel cover

    Cover whilst you and your pet are temporarily abroad in a PETS travel scheme country, up to your full vet fee limit per year.


Terms, limits and exclusions apply. To read more on what’s covered and what isn’t, see our policy booklet(PDF:719KB) and policy limits.


Get a quote

Their paws are safe in our hands. Answer a few questions to get covered.

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Already a pet insurance customer?

Make a claim on your policy or get in touch.

Make a claim

You or your vet can claim online, anytime. Most claims are sorted within seven working days from the date they’re submitted.

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Let’s look at the details

  • Policy exclusions
    • Pre-existing conditions that started before your policy.
    • Illness occurring in the first 10 days of your policy.
    • The cost of everyday pet care, like vaccinations, check-ups and grooming.
    • Routine dental check-ups, elective dental treatments, crowns and root canal procedures.
  • Cat insurance excess

    The fixed excess is £125. This is the amount you pay towards each condition per policy year. So if you claimed for the same condition more than once in a year, you’d only pay the fixed excess for the first claim. If treatment lasts more than a year, then there will be an excess for each year you claim for it.

    There’s also a variable excess, which you choose when you set up your policy. You can choose either 0%, 10% or 20%. You might not be able to choose your own variable excess for older cats and some breeds. To keep things simple, we’ll deduct the excess from any amounts we pay you.

    How your excess works based on a claim cost of £3,000:

    • You pay a £125 fixed excess
    • You also pay £287.50, 10% variable excess (chosen by you when you set up your policy)
    • We pay £2,587.50.

    So you pay £412.50 in total and we pay the remaining £2,587.50.

  • Microchipping

    All cats in the UK must be microchipped by the time they’re 20 weeks old. If they aren’t microchipped, you won’t be able to make a claim if they are ever lost or stolen.

  • Dental treatment

    We’ll cover dental illness and injuries, with some restrictions. We don’t cover routine check-ups (descaling and polishing; elective or cosmetic treatment; any treatment for crowns and root canal procedures). For more information, check the policy booklet (PDF:719KB).

  • Skin conditions and diabetes

    We’ll cover for the cost of treating skin conditions and diabetes, as long as there were no symptoms before the policy started.

  • Flea and worming treatment

    We can’t pay out for preventative parasite control, like regular flea treatments.

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Pet insurance

Pets are for life, and so is our insurance. As long as you stay with us, if your pet is diagnosed with a condition we cover after your policy starts, we’ll be there to support you. Year in, year out, up to your annual limits.

More about pet insurance

Person having a picnic with a dog.

Pet insurance

Pets are for life, and so is our insurance. As long as you stay with us, if your pet is diagnosed with a condition we cover after your policy starts, we’ll be there to support you. Year in, year out, up to your annual limits.

More about pet insurance