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To help you keep you, your home and belongings safe while you’re enjoying the sunshine and lighter evenings, we’ve pulled together our top tips.
Fire and barbecue safety
We usually see an increase in fire related claims over the summer months. That's why it's important to take extra care to avoid fire related incidents if you're planning a barbecue or fire pit.
Take a look at the weather. If it’s been hot and dry, grass and other plants could catch fire easily. Strong winds can also be dangerous as they could cause a small fire to spread.
Pick the right spot. Make sure to stay away from fences, sheds, trees, and grass.
Never leave a fire unattended. It only takes a moment for things to get out of hand, so always have someone watching your barbecue or fire.
Be prepared and have a bucket of water nearby. That way, you can put out the fire if things start to go wrong.
Keep an eye on children and pets. Make sure they stay away from the flames and cooking area, so they don’t get hurt.
Be responsible when clearing up. Barbecues, coals and ashes can stay hot for hours and could easily set bins, bags or grass on fire, so make sure they’re out properly before you dispose of them.
Be aware of carbon monoxide. The fumes from a fire or barbecue could last for several hours after the flames have gone out. Never bring them inside or into an enclosed space.
Protecting your home when you're not there
By taking these precautions, you could help to reduce the risk of unwelcome visitors and avoidable incidents.
Get a burglar alarm and check that it works. A quality alarm could be a great deterrent for any unwelcome visitors.
Keep all valuables out of sight. You don’t want to encourage a burglar to enter your home by having your valuables on show.
Lock your shed and store equipment safely. Ladders and tools offer an easy way for someone to break into your home. Lock what you have in a shed. If you have ladders and can’t put them away, lock them to something fixed.
Double check your doors and windows. Make sure they’re shut and locked before you set off. And don’t leave your keys in the locks or within easy reach of burglars.
Don’t advertise your empty house. It can be fun to post holiday pictures while you’re away, but it’s best to wait until you’re back to share them. Please remember you must tell us if you’re going to be away longer than the agreed period.
Keeping your belongings safe when you're away from home
Be prepared with our tips to keep your belongings safe and secure while you're out and about or travelling abroad.
Research the area. By keeping up to date with common tourist scams, you could reduce your risk of getting caught out.
Use a padlock. Thieves usually go for the easiest target, so having a padlock on your luggage could be a great deterrent.
Take advantage of the safe. Most hotels will have a safe in the room for you to store your passport, valuables and important documents in.
Split up your valuables. To minimise the impact if something gets stolen, you could divide your belongings between members of your party. Or, if you’re travelling alone, keep them in different places, such as multiple pockets as well as your bag.
Don’t leave anything valuable unattended. If you’re at the pool or beach, it can be tempting to leave your valuables behind while you take a quick dip in the water. But this could make it easy for someone to steal them. Consider not bringing anything of value with you or make sure someone is always watching your things.
Back up anything important. From photos and videos to important documents, make sure to keep copies of anything you don’t want to lose.
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