Estate administration checklist

To understand the value of an estate, we’ll need to make an accurate list of all assets and liabilities. In this guide we include a list of documents we’ll need from you.

Useful to know: not all the documents listed may be relevant to the estate we’re administering, so don’t worry if you don’t have or can’t find all of them.

Bereavement documents

  • Original death certificates (or interim Coroner’s certificate where relevant).
  • Department of Work and Pensions notification form.
    • National insurance number and state pension details.
    • Passport, driving licence, blue badge, AA/RAC card and any store-cards.
    • If registered, any Power of Attorney documentation.
    • Marriage/civil partnership certificate for the deceased and their spouse/civil partner.
    • Spouse/civil partner’s national insurance number.
    • The Grant of Representation (Confirmation in Scotland) and any other relevant information available for any predeceased spouse/civil partner. This could include a death certificate, Will, deed of variation, or simply relevant dates.
    • Full names and current addresses for any co-executors named in the Will.
    • Full names, relationship to the deceased, telephone numbers and current addresses for all beneficiaries and legatees under the Will.
    • Birth certificates for all beneficiaries under the age of 18.
    • Details of any gifts worth over £250 (money or chattels) made in the last 7 years.
    • Details of all bank and building society accounts. Please also provide any statements, passbooks, cheque books, cheque book stubs/statements and cash machine and debit cards for the last seven years.
    • National savings account passbooks.
    • National savings certificates, income bonds and premium bonds.
    • Life or other insurance policies and bonds.
    • Details of any non-Lloyds Bank ISAs, etc.
    • Details of any investments including stock and share certificates or statements, dividend counterfoils and any recent correspondence from Registrars.
    • Private and/or employer pension documents.
    • Details of overseas or business assets, including relevant correspondence.
    • Any un-cashed cheques received by the deceased, or details of any outstanding claims.
    • An income tax statement or other correspondence relating to HM Revenue and Customs, or details of the relevant tax district, as well as names and addresses of tax advisers/accountants.
    • Buildings and contents insurance policies.
    • Current meter readings – gas, water, electricity.
    • Recent household bills. For example, gas, electricity, telephone and mobile phone, council tax, water rates, service charges, rent and ground rent (please provide any rental agreements).
    • Details of any outstanding loans, mortgages and property deeds, or information about where these are held.
    • TV licence.
    • A final nursing home invoice (where relevant).
    • Insurance policy and current certificate of insurance.
    • Vehicle registration document.
    • Current MOT certificate.
    • Vehicle mileage.
    • The funeral estimate, or the name and address of the undertaker.
    • Details of any other funeral expenses.
    • Credit cards and statements.
    • Details of any other liabilities or unpaid invoices.

Download, save or print a copy

The Lloyds Bank Estate Administration brochure includes this checklist. If you’d like a copy to refer to in future, simply:

Download our brochure (PDF, 1.09MB)

By your side for every step

Many people find the complexity of administering an estate by themselves a challenge, especially when you may need time to grieve.

However long the process takes, you can rely on us to handle everything and keep you informed at every step. Since 1910, Lloyds Bank has offered a personal and professional service to bereaved customers, administering estates, and helping thousands of beneficiaries.

More about our Estate Administration Service

Start by talking to us

If we’re named as the executor of a Will, or you’d like our help to manage an estate, call us on: 

0800 056 0171

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