Everyday Offers FAQs

Find answers to the most common queries about Everyday Offers.

To be eligible for the scheme you need to be over 18, have a debit card or credit card, and be signed up to Internet Banking Agreement.

Receiving cashback

  • Cashback earned using a debit or credit card

    Cashback will automatically be paid into your accountĀ on or before the last working day of the month following your redeeming transaction. For example, if you used your offer in January, your cashback should be paid into your account at the end of February.

    Cashback earned for a Direct Debit offer

    Cashback will be paid into your nominated account on or before the last working day of the month after your second Direct Debit payment.

    Please note:

    If you cancel your new service(s) before your second Direct Debit payment is collected you will not receive any cashback.

    The time it takes for a retailer to set up your Direct Debit may affect the date we pay your cashback.

  • Which account your cashback will arrive in

    If you have more than one account, weā€™ll pay your cashback into the oldest current account or credit card. Alternatively, you can select a different Lloyds current account or credit card for us to pay your cashback into using your Everyday Offers settings.

    You need to remain registered for Everyday Offers to receive your cashback.

  • Everyday Offers for joint accounts

    If both joint account holders want to use Everyday Offers, you should register for Internet Banking and for Everyday Offers individually.

    Each account holder will then receive their own offers based on their individual spending patterns.

    For Direct Debit offers, if both parties receive and activate the same offer but only one party sets up the relevant subscription service to redeem the offer, the first party to activate the offer will receive the cashback into their nominated account, which may be the joint account or an alternative account.

  • Keeping track of cashback

    You can keep track of the cashback youā€™ve earned from your offers at the top of your Everyday Offers page.Ā  It may take up to 5 working days before your cashback shows as pending.

    You can also see how much cashback you have been paid and how much you have earned over the last 3 months, with a breakdown of the qualifying transactions.

  • Changing the cashback account

    If you have more than one account, you can select which account you want your cashback paid into by visiting your Everyday Offers Settings page.

  • Cashback for credit card spending

    You can earn cashback using your credit card as long as you meet the usual criteria to register for Everyday Offers.

  • Additional card holders

    Yes, spending by additional card holders will help generate new offers and earn cashback. However, the main cardholder needs to activate offers and only the main cardholder will receive cashback into their nominated account.

  • Multiple cards linked to Everyday Offers

    Everyday Offers works with all of your Lloyds Bank personal debit or credit cards. All your cards help to generate offers based on the places you shop. Use any of your cards to claim your cashback.

  • Leaving Everyday Offers

    Yes, you can switch Everyday Offers off (or on) in ā€˜Settingsā€™ at any time. Ā Please remember, if you switch off Everyday Offers you will lose any unpaid cashback thatā€™s due to be paid into your account.

About Everyday Offers

  • Everyday Offers

    Everyday Offers are offers that give you cashback when you shop. Just select your offers in your account and shop with your selected retailers using a Lloyds debit or credit card, or set up a Direct Debit.

    The service is free and is available to Lloyds Bank current account or credit card customers over the age of 18.

  • Eligibility

    To register for Everyday Offers you need a Lloyds Bank debit or credit card. You must also be over 18 and registered for Lloyds Bank Internet BankingĀ Terms and Conditions apply

  • Offer suggestions

    We suggest offers for places you might like to try, based on retailers you have previously shopped or set up a Direct Debit with.

  • Registration

    On desktop or using your tablet or mobile browser: Log on to Internet Banking and click ā€˜Get free add-onsā€™, then ā€˜Find out moreā€™.

    With your Mobile Banking app: Log on to the app and ā€˜Register for Everyday Offersā€™ from the menu.

    We may give you Everyday Offers without you having to register. You can opt out of the service at any time in our app or Internet Banking.

  • View and activate offers

    You'll normally need to activate individual offers before you can earn cashback, but we may automatically activate some offers for you.

  • Canā€™t see offers

    If youā€™re a new customer, we may not have any transactions for you yet. Many of our offers are based on the types of places customers shop, so once you start spending on your debit and credit cards, offers will be generated for you and will appear in ā€™Available Offersā€™.

  • Debit or credit card offers

    Go to Everyday Offers and activate offers you want to use, then pay using your Lloyds Bank debit or credit card when you next shop with your chosen retailers.

    Direct Debit offers

    You will see any Direct Debit offers alongside your other offers on your Everyday Offers homepage.

    To redeem these offers:

    1. Select an offer to activate it or find out further details

    2. Sign up for services as stated in the offerā€™s conditions.

    Important Information

    Subscription services that require a Direct Debit will usually ask you to enter into a contract with the service provider. Typically these have a minimum term of between 12 and 24 months. You must consider whether you are able to commit to a regular payment for this length of time.

    If you cancel, change or switch your subscription before the end of the minimum term you may be charged early termination or other fees by the service provider.

    If you are signing up to a new service provider you must find out from your current supplier whether early termination fees will apply. You must take this into account when deciding whether to sign up to a new service.

    You should contact your service provider(s) directly for details of their specific policies.

  • Offer exclusions

    Some of our offers have exclusions that are shown when you select them. Exclusions may vary between offers and some offers may only apply in certain areas.

    You can find out if there are any exclusions, exceptions or caps by selecting the offer that is activated and reading the offer terms.

  • Offer limits

    Some offers are only available to use once. If you want to check how many times you can use an offer you have activated, select it to read its terms and conditions.

  • Offer reminders

    You can now receive app reminders (also known as push notifications) on your mobile device if youā€™re already registered for Everyday Offers. Weā€™ll send you notification reminders when new merchant offers are available to you, along with a reminder for when activated, but unused offers are due to expire. You do not have to be logged into your Mobile Banking app to see them.

    Signing up to Everyday Offers reminders does not change your existing marketing preferences and you can opt in or out of reminders at any time using the ā€œProfile & Settingsā€ icon at the top right hand corner of your Mobile Banking app. Under "Settings" tab, choose "Notifications", and then select which alerts you would like to activate/deactivate.

    To receive these reminders, you must be registered for Everyday Offers, enable ā€œpush alertsā€ via your mobile device settings and opt into reminders on your Mobile Banking app.

Problems receiving cashback

  • Cashback not received

    You can make the following checks to ensure you have received the correct cashback:

    Did you activate the offer?

    You need to activate your offer in Everyday Offers by selecting the ā€˜Activateā€™ button next to it, before shopping with your chosen retailer, to get cashback.

    Have you waited five working days for the cashback to appear as pending on your ā€˜Cashback Summaryā€™ page?

    After you have redeemed an offer, it can take up to 5 working days before the cashback due appears as pending.

    Did you redeem the offer before it expired?

    If you made your transaction after the offer expired you wonā€™t be eligible for the cashback. You can check your offer expiry dates using the Expired Offers link in Everyday Offers.

    Were there any offer exclusions that may have resulted in you not receiving the cashback?

    Some offers have exclusions you need to check before you use them. For example, some are only available online and exclude transactions made in stores. You can check for any offer exclusions by selecting the offer to see its terms.

    If your redeeming transaction was made from a joint account, did you use the right card?

    If you select an offer using a joint account, you must use the card belonging to the person that activated the offer online to redeem it. Find out more about usingĀ joint accounts for Everyday Offers.

  • Further questions

    If you canā€™t find the answer to your question in our FAQs, then please give us a call.

  • Offer terms and conditions

    Retailers set their own conditions for each of their offers, such as:

    • whether an offer is available both online and in store or online only
    • the amount of cashback offered
    • the expiry date of the offer
    • any offer conditions or restrictions, such as how many times you can use the offer or which purchases it can be used on
    • any limits to the amount you can earn from each offer

    The specific conditions relating to your chosen offer will be displayed when you activate it.

    The offer retailers are responsible for the offers you receive, but weā€™re responsible for making sure the cashback reaches your account. The terms and conditions for Everyday Offers can be found in theĀ Internet Banking agreement, and details of how we use your information are contained in ourĀ Privacy Policy.

  • Offer withdrawal or change

    We try to ensure the information in all the offers is accurate. If there are any errors in an offer, we may withdraw or correct it. This wonā€™t affect any offers weā€™ve already fulfilled.

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Further profile & settings help

Update your personal details, manage app notifications or activate Everyday Offers.

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