10% cheaper when you get your quote and buy online.

We ask less of you

In a matter of minutes, you can get a quote and our lowest price too. You can only get Home Insurance Select directly with us. Get a quote online or over the phone.

Get a home insurance quote

10% cheaper when you get your quote and buy online.Ā Read about our online price.

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Online price details

  • The online price only applies if you get a quote and buy your policy online.
  • The online price doesnā€™t apply if you change or renew a policy you originally bought over the phone or in branch.
  • If you add Home Emergency cover to your policy, weā€™ll confirm the price for that cover separately. The price you pay for Home Emergency cover will be the same whether you buy your policy online, over the phone or in branch.
  • We review our prices regularly and they can change.

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Home insurance

We're here when you need us most. Our out of hours emergency claim helpline is avaliable for urgent support.

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