How to manage your bills

Our guide can help you take control of your bills

We'll cover:

  • Tips for managing your bills
  • Help with energy and water bills
  • Help with food bills
  • Managing bills online

Tips for managing your bills

List all of your outgoing payments

Write a list of all your bill payments, how much they are and when they are due. Think about things like your mortgage or rent payments, mobile phone costs and utility bills. If your bills are different each month, use the average cost of your last three bills.

Look to see if you have any subscriptions and memberships and make a note of these too. You can view, block or cancel subscriptions through our Mobile Banking app.

If you bank with us online, spending insights breaks down your spending into useful categories, so you can see where your money goes each month.

If you're looking for more tips and tools to help you make the most of your money each month, visit our budgeting tips page.

Select when to pay

Some companies let you select the date your payment is due. You can usually just ring up whoever you're paying and agree to a set date.

It can be useful to have your bills come out on the day you get paid. So, if you get paid weekly, spreading out payments over the month might help you.

Internet Banking and our Mobile Banking app also let you keep track of what payments you have due, by using the upcoming payments function.

Depending on the type of bill, you can sometimes make a one-off payment each year. As an example, you could select to pay your car insurance or road tax annually. By doing this you may pay less overall.

Select how you want to pay

Any of the following payment methods will put you in control of what and when you pay.

  • Direct Debit ā€“ lets your bank or building society know that a business or service can collect payments from your account on a set date. The business or service will let you know the amount you need to pay.
  • Standing order - is a regular payment of the same amount thatā€™s paid on a specified date. It allows your bank to take money regularly from your account and pay it to another account. You can set up and manage standing orders through the Mobile Banking app or Internet Banking.
  • One-off payments - you can make these types of payments over the phone and online.

Make sure you are getting the best deal

Comparison websites help you see if you are getting a fair deal. These sites make it easy for you to compare prices of products and services.

If you have contracts due for renewal, you can compare prices across comparison websites to find a better deal that meets your needs and budget.

MoneyHelper has some useful advice on using comparison websites.

Help with energy bills

Save money on heating

Everyday changes you can make to save on your heating bills.

How you can save on heating

Energy efficient home

Use our Eco Home Tool to show you how much money you could save by making improvements to the energy efficiency in your home.

Eco Home Tool

Your energy supply

Citizens Advice has lots of guidance to help you pay your energy bills.

Citizens Advice

Help with water bills

CCW logo. The voice for water consumers

CCW is the independent voice for water consumers in England and Wales, providing free advice and support.

Their advice hub has lots of information and useful tools to help you reduce your bills or access financial support. That includes advice on the different types of schemes that water companies have.

Visit CCW

Help with food bills

Supermarket shopping tips

This MoneySavingExpert guide is full of tools and tricks to help you save on your supermarket shop.

Start saving on your supermarket shop.

Too Good To Go

Save money on food bills by trying the Too Good To Go app. You can get great deals on leftover food from local shops and restaurants, which may otherwise go to waste.

Too Good To Go

Support from food banks

Using a food bank can be daunting, but trained volunteers are on hand to help with your referral, and make sure you have access to the support you need.

Trussell Trust

Managing bills online

Pay your bills online

Managing your bills and payments online is quick and secure in our Mobile Banking app or through Internet Banking.

How to make payments online

Keeping you safe

Whether you're shopping or managing your finances online, there are things you can do to protect yourself from fraud.

How we protect you

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