Getting started online

Mobile banking app

Join our 9 million app users.

  • Simple and secure login.
  • Set up handy notifications.
  • Message us online.

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Start banking online with us for the first time.

Register now

How to register


Reset your login details or find your User ID.

Reset your details

How to reset

Help and support for customers logging in

We know there are occasions where our customers have issues trying to log in online. See our step-by-step instructions for resolving potential issues with logging in.

  • Here are some helpful things you can do if you're having problems logging in.

    Step 1 - Have you registered for online banking?

    If you haven't used online banking before you will need to register your account to get started.

    You can register if your hold one of the following accounts:

    • Current or savings account
    • Credit card
    • Loan
    • Mortgage
    • Share dealing account

    Register for online banking

    If your account is not available, and you can't register for online banking, please call us.

    Call us

    Step 2 - Close down all open browsing sessions

    Only have one active session open to avoid any potential issues.

    Step 3 - Clearing Cache and Cookies

    This will vary depending on what browser you're using. When you use a browser, it saves some information from websites in its cache and cookies.

    Clearing them can fix certain problems, like loading or formatting issues on sites.

    Use your browser to search 'how to clear cache and cookies'.

    Here are some of the most common browsers used by our customers:

    You can read more about cookies and how we use them in our cookie policy.

    Step 4 - Reset your login details

    Sometimes if you haven't logged in for a while it can be easy to forget what your login details are.

    It is possible to reset your:

    • User id
    • password
    • memorable information.

    We'll ask you for your account details and your personal information.

    If you're not sure what your bank details are, you can find them on a statement, debit, or credit card.

    Reset your online banking account

    If these steps do not work or you need further help, please call us.

    Call us

  • Here are some helpful things you can do if you're having problems logging in.

    Step 1 - Close your mobile app fully and reopen, re-attempt to log in.

    Step 2 - Update your personal mobile software through your device's general settings.

    Step 3 - Make sure that you have the latest version of the app. You may need to switch on the background refresh setting for your device to get the latest version.

    Step 4 - Uninstall and reinstalling the app on your device through AppStore (Apple) ā€“ Google Play Store (Android).

    Step 5 - Reset your Password and memorable information.

    Reset your mobile app account

    If these steps do not work or you need further help, please call us.

    Call us

Online banking basics

Get the most out of being online.

Online banking basics

Get the most out of being online.

New payee

Send up to £25,000 a day online, subject to conditions.

Pay someone new

Go paper-free

Change how we send you statements and correspondence.

Manage your paper options

View card details

Use our app to view your credit or debit card details.

View card details

Account names

Change your account's name to something meaningful to you.

Rename your account

Our favourites


Everyday Offers

Get up to 15% cashback on your debit or credit card spending.

Get cashback

Where does your money go?

See your spending patterns with our quick and easy online tool.Ā 

Your Spending Insights

Freeze. Unfreeze

Freeze and unfreeze your debit and credit card instantly on our app.

Card freezes

See your upcoming bills

Add in your payday and check how much money you've got left until it comes around.

Check upcoming payments

Open banking

See all your accounts in one place even if they're held with another bank or building society.

Set up Open Banking

Banking near you

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How we protect you

Digital skills training

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