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Amend paper-free preferences for your statements and correspondence.
Current accounts
Accounts & services
Already bank with us?
Switch to a new Club Lloyds current account and transfer 3 direct debits. Offer ends 01 April 2025. Conditions apply. £3 monthly fee may apply.
Cards, loans & car finance
Already borrowing with us?
Thinking about applying for credit? Check Your Credit Score for free, with no impact on your credit file.
Accounts & calculators
Already with us?
Our Club Lloyds customers could be eligible for an exclusive discount on their initial mortgage rate.
Accounts & ISAs
Pensions & investments
Already investing with us?
Home, pet, life & car
Already insured with us?
To upgrade your existing terminal please complete our online upgrade terminal form below.
Or you can contact us on 0800 092 7255.
Please note that Lloyds Bank Cardnet can only discuss the account with a Director, Owner or Partner of the business.
If your current terminal contract is with Merchant Rentals, please contact them directly on 0845 643 4729 Monday to Friday, 9 am-5.30 pm to discuss your upgrade
New Customers - 0330 134 7976
Lines are open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
Existing customers - 01268 567 100
Lines are open 8am to 9pm Monday to Saturday.
Get answers to the most-commonly asked questions about taking payments with Cardnet.