AA Breakdown Family Cover

What is AA Breakdown Family Cover?

With AA Breakdown Family Cover, thereā€™s cover for account holders and certain family members in vehicles, whether you or they are the driver or the passenger. Family members must live at the account holderā€™s home address or be temporarily living away from that address, but still within the UK (e.g. students).

Eligible family members will include your:

  • Partner
    including spouse, civil partner, fiancƩ/fiancƩe
  • Parents
    including stepparents, foster parents, father in-law, mother in-law
  • Siblings
    including brothers, sisters, brother in-law, sister in-law, step-sisters, step-brothers
  • Grandparents
    including stepchildren, foster children, grandchildren, son in-law, daughter in-law
  • Children
    including stepchildren, foster children, grandchildren, son in-law, daughter in-law
  • Other family members
    including aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and first cousins

What's included in AA Breakdown Family Cover?

There are different services offered with AA Breakdown Family Cover, available in the UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man. The table below shows whatā€™s included with different account types, and a summary of each is shown below:

Roadside Assistance - 24/7 cover for breakdowns over a quarter of a mile from home. If the vehicle can't be fixed at the roadside, the AA will take the vehicle to their choice of relevant local repairer or to another local destination of choice provided it is no further.

At Home - Provides all the Roadside Assistance benefits, even if the account holder or their eligible family members is still on their driveway or within a quarter of a mile from home.

National Recovery - If the breakdown is miles from home and it can't be fixed at the roadside, the AA will take the vehicle and up to seven passengers to a single UK destination of choice.

Onward travel - If a repair on the vehicle isnā€™t possible, you or your eligible family members will get a replacement hire car for up to 72 hours (full valid UK driving licence to be presented), overnight accommodation, or you could claim reimbursement of reasonable onward public transport expenses.


Featured accounts

Account Name

Roadside Assistance

At Home

National Recovery

Onward Travel

Account Name


Roadside Assistance

yes icon

At Home

no icon

National Recovery

no icon

Onward Travel

no icon

Account Name


Roadside Assistance

yes icon

At Home

no icon

National Recovery

no icon

Onward Travel

no icon

Account Name


Roadside Assistance

yes icon

At Home

no icon

National Recovery

no icon

Onward Travel

no icon

Account Name


Roadside Assistance

yes icon

At Home

yes icon

National Recovery

yes icon

Onward Travel

no icon

Account Name


Roadside Assistance

yes icon

At Home

yes icon

National Recovery

yes icon

Onward Travel

yes icon

1. These accounts are no longer on sale.

Some exclusions and rights to refuse service

  • The same or similar cause of breakdown attended by our mechanic in the last 28 days.
  • The account holder, any joint account holder or eligible family member must be with the vehicle when it breaks down and when the mechanic arrives.
  • The AA have the right to refuse to provide service if the vehicle is unsafe, un-roadworthy, unlawful or youā€™ve failed to maintain it (for example, no valid MOT, or continued failure to re-fuel or charge your vehicle).
  • There's no cover when travelling in a car, van, minibus or motorcycle exceeding the weight restriction of 3.5 tonnes and max width restriction of 8ft 3in (2.55m).

How to report a breakdown

If you need to report a breakdown, please call us.

Eligible family members will need to provide the account holderā€™s full name, address and postcode before the service can be provided. Family members will also need to show a form of identification when the AA patrol arrives.

Account holder(s) will continue to be asked for their membership number. This is their sort code and account number. They will need to show their Visa debit card when the AA patrol arrives.

AA Breakdown Family Cover FAQs