Voice ID

Extra security using your voice

  • Simple to set up and use.
  • Confirm your identity using your voice.
  • Once set up you won't need to remember extra security information.

You can use Voice ID if you are eligible and hold a bank, savings, or credit card account with us.

Steps to take

We’ll guide you through it.

    1. Phone us on 0345 850 2808 to set up Voice ID. Remember to have your account details to hand.
    2. We’ll confirm your identity in the usual way.
    3. We'll then ask you to repeat the passphrase "My voice is my password" several times.
    4. All done. We will create your own voice print. You can use Voice ID the next time you call us.

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Need help?

If you're registered for Online Banking, the fastest way to get in touch is by messaging us securely online.

Message us

Our virtual assistant can easily answer most questions. If it can’t help, we'll pass you onto someone who can.

How to message us

Let’s look at the details

  • All you need to do is call us and enter your details as usual. We will then ask you to say the phrase "My voice is my password" to access your accounts. It is as simple as that.

  • Voice ID looks at over 100 different aspects of your voice. These are like your fingerprint and are unique to you. It even recognises you if you have a cold or sore throat.

  • Call us and tell us what you’d like to do.

    Using our automated service, you’ll be able to:

    •Get balances on your account, including recent transactions and pending payments.

    •Transfer money and pay your bills.

    •Check out cancel or change Direct Debits

    •Look at change or cancel standing orders.

    •Switch to another account including linked business accounts.

    •Order replacement card or PINs, statements or a cheque or paying in book.

    •You can hear a list of the services available within our automated service by using touch tone. 


    What would you like to do?

    Touch tone option

    What would you like to do?


    Touch tone option


    What would you like to do?

    Recent transactions

    Touch tone option


    What would you like to do?

    Transfer money

    Touch tone option


    What would you like to do?

    Pay a bill

    Touch tone option


    What would you like to do?

    Direct Debits

    Touch tone option


    What would you like to do?

    Standing orders

    Touch tone option


    What would you like to do?

    Switch to another account

    Touch tone option


    More options


    More options

    Search for a transaction



    More options

    Change your security number



    More options

    Replacement card or PIN



    More options

    Order a statement



    More options

    Order a cheque book



    More options

    Order a paying in book



    More options

    To repeat this list



    More options

    Return to previous menu


    Star followed by hash

  • We store and protect your Voice ID data. We do this in the same way that we securely store all our customer data.  

  • It may be possible for you to set up Voice ID even if you have a speech impairment. For Voice ID to work we need at least three strong recordings of your voice as you repeat the passphrase.

    We don’t recommend setting up Voice ID if you use a voice box or speech synthesiser. They might be a security risk as some speech synthesiser machines have the same voice.

    If Voice ID is not right for you, please let us know.

    Can someone else access my account with my permission?

    Since your voice is unique, someone else won’t be able to use Voice ID on your behalf. To protect yourself - don’t share your security number or security details with anyone else.

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