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Payments and transactions

  • There are many reasons why your card or transaction might have been declined. Check out all the possible explanations to help you resolve the issue quickly.

    Support with card declines

  • There are several reasons why your payment might not have been sent:

    Exceeded payment limitThereā€™s a maximum daily limit for all electronic payments. Learn more about payment limits.

    The beneficiary didnā€™t receive the payment : If the recipient hasnā€™t received the money, first verify that the sort code and account details you used are right. For company payments, make sure the reference you entered is accurate (such as the 16-digit account number for a credit card). You can check these details in Online Banking or the Mobile Banking app.


  • If youā€™ve made a payment by mistake, weā€™ll do everything we can to retrieve the money.

    First, check your account to see if the money has been returned. If it has, you can resend the payment with the right details.

    If the money hasnā€™t been returned and you know the recipient, the quickest way to get your money back is to contact them directly.

  • When you use your card, the retailer informs us of the transaction, and we take it from your available balance. Sometimes, the retailer doesnā€™t notify us straight away, so the transaction may take a moment to appear.

    These transactions may appear as pending on your account. A pending transaction means the money is set aside for the merchant but hasnā€™t been taken yet. Merchants usually take the money within a few days, but it can sometimes take a few weeks. Most contactless transactions show up on your statement within a few days.

    If you have questions about a pending transaction, we can check it for you once it appears on your statement.

    Itā€™s a good idea to keep track of your transactions to make sure you have enough money in your account and avoid overdrafts or exceeding your credit limit. You can monitor your spending through our Mobile Banking app or Online Banking.

  • Some savings accounts do not allow Faster Payments, while others may restrict withdrawals or impose charges . These accounts are designed to help you save and grow your balance over time, rather than for everyday transactions. If you need to pay bills, make purchases, or send money by Faster Payments, a current account might be more suitable for your needs.

    If you still want to make a payment from your savings account and you have a current account with us transfer funds and then make the payment. This can be done through our Mobile Banking app or Online Banking.

    If you donā€™t have a current account with us, please visit one of our branches. We can give you cash, write a cheque, or arrange a CHAPs payment, though charges may apply.

    If youā€™re interested in applying for a current account, take a look at our current account options.


Cards and PIN

  • If your card is about to expire:

    Weā€™ll automatically send you a new one by post. You should receive it about a week before your card expires.

    If youā€™ve ordered a new card:

    If youā€™ve reported your card as lost or stolen, or requested a replacement, you should receive your new card within 3 to 10 working days.

    View your card and PIN details:

    You can view your card details and PIN in our Mobile Banking app. If you ordered a new debit card, youā€™ll be able to see the replacement card details in the Mobile Banking app the next day. 

    If you have ordered a replacement credit card, the details will be available within two working days in the Mobile Banking app.

    If you havenā€™t received your card, please get in touch.

Everyday Offers

  • If youā€™re registered for Everyday Offers you will receive a Cashback directly in to your account on or before the last working day* of the following month whenever you select and use an offer on your credit or debit card.

    *Working days are Monday to Friday, apart from bank holidays.

    If youā€™ve activated an offer but haven't received the money, firstly check the terms and conditions by logging on to Internet Banking and selecting the offer in the Everyday Offers section. You can view expired offers by selecting the ā€˜My offersā€™ in the ā€˜Everyday offersā€™ section. 

    Find out more information in our Everyday Offers frequently asked questions.

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