Get a paper statement

There are a couple of ways you can order a paper statement by post. Or you can print a statement yourself.

Steps to take

We'll guide you through it.

Do you have a printer? 

It’s quickest to print a statement yourself. In ‘Statement options’, select ‘Monthly PDFs’. From here you can download and print the statement you need. 

Use ‘Search your statement’ to show only certain transactions. Then select ‘Statement options’, then ‘Print current view’.

To order a paper statement: 

  1. Log on to Online for Business.
  2. Select ‘View statement’ next to your account.
  3. Go to ‘Statement options’ and select ‘Order a paper statement’. 

You’ll receive your statement within 10 working days. 

Frequently asked questions

Still need help?

To order a paper statement, or change how often you would like to receive them, call us on 0345 072 5555.

We’re open Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm and Saturday, 9am to 2pm. This excludes bank holidays.

If you’re outside the UK call +44 1733 347 338.

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