Business loans
A flexible way to expand your business or invest in equipment.
Find out how much it could cost your business to take payments with Lloyds Cardnet®.
Get started Apply for our payment solutionsThese examples show what a typical service charge for a single transaction is like.
These prices are just to give you an idea of what we charge for transactions. They do not include monthly card reader rental fees.
We'll only charge a payment gateway transaction fee if you've taken out a payment page for online payments with us.
£49 one-off
No VAT of first card reader
Plus 1.75% fixed transaction rate
£27 monthly rental + VAT
Plus tailored transaction fees
Includes SIM
£21 monthly rental + VAT
Plus tailored transaction fees
Optional SIM £10 monthly + VAT
Cardnet® is a registered trademark of Lloyds Bank plc.