Business loans
A flexible way to expand your business or invest in equipment.
We need to ask you some questions to determine the most suitable method for you.
You may not be a Full Access User, or the account you are trying to close is not suitable for online closure.
You may be making loan repayments from the account, one of our colleagues will be able to help you to get the account closed.
You’ll need to transfer funds to bring the account balance to nil.
You’ll need to transfer funds to bring the account under £10,000 credit.
You’ll need to make this transfer through Internet Banking before closing the account.
You can nominate another account to pay/receive these.
You’ll receive a reference number on the screen, and we’ll send confirmation by email and SMS.
Your form needs to be signed in line with your mandate before we can close your account. If you need to update your mandate, visit change who can access your accounts.
Yes, you can download, print and return the form to us by post. You can find the address on Section 5 of the form.
Before you send us your form, make sure you have filled it in correctly and it has been signed in line with your mandate.
Emailing your completed form is the fastest way to close your account.
You can find the email address to use at the bottom of Section 5 of the form.
There are a few reasons we might not have been able to close your account:
If you still can’t close your account, contact your Business Manager or Relationship team
Products, lending and security are services offered by Lloyds Bank. Some of the most common examples are shown below:
Account products – Currency Accounts, Savings or Deposit Accounts
Lending products – Overdraft, Credit/Charge cards or Loans (including BBLS or any government backed lending)
Security – Legal Charge, Guarantees or Debentures
You’ll need to speak to your new bank. They should be able to arrange a switch from your current bank account, which will move over any Direct Debits or standing orders you have on your Lloyds Bank account.
You can use our text or email service to get notified when we’ve received your completed form, and when we’ve closed your account.
You can sign up for the text or email service in Section 3 of the Account Closure form.
You will get a closing statement by post when the account has been closed.
You’ll need to contact your Relationship Team or Business Manager. The Account Closures form only lets you close up to 20 accounts for a single legal entity.
To get you to the right place, we just need to check a few details with you.