Business loans
A flexible way to expand your business or invest in equipment.
Bacs Payments are a secure electronic system to make and collect non-urgent, high volume and low value UK sterling payments directly from one bank account to another.
To submit Bacs payment instructions to the Bacs Scheme, businesses need a Service User Number (SUN) – a six digit reference number which identifies the business making Bacs Direct Credits or collecting Direct Debits. Businesses are able to apply to Lloyds Bank for sponsorship of a SUN.
There are two ways businesses with their own SUN are able to submit payment instructions to Bacs:
Businesses without their own SUN can submit Bacs Direct Credit instructions to Bacs via online banking. Or if you’re looking to collect Direct Debits but do not have your own SUN, we can consider a referral to AccessPay Suite – a Bacs-approved bureau and facilities management provider.
We charge a set-up fee of either £250 for applications including Direct Debits or £150 for a Direct Credit only application, then a fee per file and item submitted depending on your current account tariff.
For Bacs Direct Credits via Online Banking please see for more information on rates and charges
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