Business loans
A flexible way to expand your business or invest in equipment.
Read time : 8 mins Added: 12/06/2023
The risks businesses face are hard to anticipate and constantly evolving. In the past, there were concerns about the possibility of office fires or IT outages, but recently we’ve seen the impact of disruption due to lockdowns, supply chain breakdowns and soaring energy costs.
This isn’t just an issue for large businesses; smaller businesses can also be disrupted by a hacked computer or a local power cut. However, if you identify and plan for these risks, your business has a better chance of surviving them. It starts with a robust business continuity plan.
Of course, some threats are impossible to quantify. Bloomberg UK report that the coronavirus pandemic caused business closures in the UK to jump by 14% from the previous year. No business can prepare for every type of threat, but you need to be as ready as possible if you want to survive it.