Business loans
A flexible way to expand your business or invest in equipment.
Please note that the Terms and Conditions available below are the Bank's most recently issued versions. Please bear in mind that earlier versions of these Terms and Conditions may apply to your products, depending on when you signed up to the relevant product or when you were last advised of any changes to your Terms and Conditions. If you have any questions regarding which version of the Terms and Conditions apply to your products, please contact your Relationship Manager.
Please read our site terms and conditions.
Allows customers to manage their accounts held at other financial institutions through LloydsLink or Direct Corporate Access and initiate payments on Lloyds Bank accounts through other financial institutions. Also allows statement reporting to another bank and payments initiation via a partner banks electronic banking platform.
A service for payments into and out of the UK in Sterling, Euro and other international currencies includes International MM, Euro MM, SEPA Credit, International Draft.