Protecting your business

We'll help you identify, quantify and manage financial risks in your business in three simple steps.

  • Step 2: Quantify

    We can help you measure how:

    • Moving markets may affect your business, by analysing the latest market information and incorporating Lloyds Bank market forecasts.
    • Translating risk into a cash value can show the impact on your cash flow and profitability.
    • Defining financial tolerance to risk can help assess the impact on your business.
  • Step 3: Manage

    Once we’ve helped you identify and measure your exposure to risk, we’ll:

    • Look at how you manage risk
      Highlight any gaps between risk management and risk exposure.
    • Discuss a range of solutions
      Help you choose the right solution for your business.
    • Deliver a risk management strategy
      You’ll get ongoing proactive support from our team of Financial Risk Managers.

Step 1: Identify

Your Financial Risk Manager will review your:

  • balance sheet
  • income statement
  • cash flow, and
  • future business plans

Where there is risk

  • International trade
    The risk of not getting paid or receiving goods and services, and changes in currency exchange rates are some of the risks we can help protect your business against
  • Changes in interest rates
    Changes in interest rates can increase your borrowing costs and affect your cash flow, profit margin and ability to repay and borrow in the future.
  • Return on savings
    Budgeting to understand your cash flow could help identify additional sources of revenue, like returns on your savings.

Contact us

If you'd like to speak to a Financial Risk Manager to find out more about how we can help, call us on

+44 (0) 845 877 4451

We are available from 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday, except Public Holidays.

Alternatively, please email us.