Post Office® services

Manage your bank account

  • Deposit money into your bank account with or without your debit card.
  • Check your account balance.
  • Withdraw cash – free withdrawals up to £300 per day.

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Things you can do at the Post Office

    • Use your debit card and PIN to pay cash into your account.
    • We’ll count your cash and give you a receipt. You’ll have instant access to your money.
    • You can pay in up to £2,995 a month and up to £20,000 a year. If you have a joint account, you can both pay in up to £2,995 a month and £20,000 per year.
    • You can pay money into your account using a pre-printed paying-in slip if you don’t have a debit card. These slips are personalised. If you don’t have any, call into a branch and we’ll order you some, or give us a call.
    • There is a limit of £1,000 for cash paid in as a single deposit.
    • The money you pay in will show in your account the next working day.
    • You’ll need to use a cheque envelope and a paying-in slip if you’re paying-in a cheque. Cheque envelopes are available in the Post Office. We’ll need to order paying-in slips for you so either give us a call  or you can order them when you next call into a branch.
    • It may take up to two working days for cheques paid in at a Post Office to reach your account.
    • If you’re paying-in cash and cheques at the same time, you’ll need separate paying-in slips and cheque envelopes. 
    • You can withdraw up to £300 a day from your current account at the Post Office. You’ll need your debit card and PIN. These withdrawals are free.
    • If you are not in a Lloyds Bank branch, there is a daily withdrawal limit of £800. So, if you withdraw £300 over the Post Office counter, you’ll only be able to withdraw a further £500 from a cash machine, on the same day.
  • If you want to check your account balance, you can do this at the counter. You’ll need your debit card and PIN.

Useful to know

  • Coins less than £1 – the Post Office will only accept full coin bags. This will need to be for the amount shown on each bag.
  • If you have £1 and £2 coins, these can be paid in, in part bags, if the coins are separate. There is a limit of £250 for any single deposit of coins.
  • Each Post Office branch may have different cut-off times for paying-in cash and cheques. If you deposit after the cut-off time, an extra working day to process your deposit may apply. Check with the Post Office you want to use.
  • These services are available on working days at any branch of the Post Office within England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. It excludes branches in the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man.

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