Business loans
A flexible way to expand your business or invest in equipment.
Find out how to avoid invoice scams when you use your business account.
Double-check any changes
If a business you pay changes their payment details or sends an invoice out of the blue, call them back to double-check. Call your single point of contact (SPOC) if you have one. Or use a number you trust, not one from an email or invoice.
Fraudsters are hoping that you pay without checking. If this happens, it’s very hard to get the money back.
Set up a SPOC
A SPOC is a person or team you can talk to at another firm who can confirm an invoice or changes to details.
If your business sets one up, it will make it easier to double-check things and help to avoid invoice scams.
Train your staff
Make sure your staff know about this type of fraud and how to avoid it.
Clearly write down a system that covers how to deal with invoices and changes to details.
Keep this document close at hand so it’s easy to find and follow.