Business loans
A flexible way to expand your business or invest in equipment.
Fraudsters can copy texts or break into email accounts to send messages that pretend to be someone you know, like your bank or a supplier.
A scam message can appear alongside other texts or emails from an earlier chain.
The aim is to steal important details and money. If successful, it can do real damage to your business.
If your business uses email or text messages then it could be a target for fraudsters.
But if you and all your staff know how to spot a scam, it can help to keep your business safe.
Call us to check - If you’re not sure a text is from us, contact us to make sure. Or check your account online. If the text is from another person or company, call them on a number you trust to check. Never use a number from a message as this could be part of a scam.
Only click a link if you know and trust the sender - Links can hide a virus that could attack your computer or phone.
Log on safely - We’ll never send you a text with a direct link to a page that wants you to log on or give personal or banking details. If you get a text like this, don’t reply. Just delete it.
Call the sender - If you’re not sure about an email, or if one arrives out of the blue, make sure it’s real. You can contact us or look at your online account to see if anything is wrong. If it came from a colleague, talk to them in person. To contact a company, use a number you trust, not one from a message. Ask if they sent the message.
Look at the address - Make sure the sender’s details are correct. Fraudsters often change a genuine email address so it looks similar, such as Lioyds and not Lloyds.
Only click after you check it’s safe - Make sure you know and trust the sender. You can check their address or call them on a number you trust. Links and downloads can hide a computer virus. Or a link could take you to a fake website. If a site looks odd in any way, don’t use it. Contact us right away if you notice anything wrong with our site.
Before you pay an invoice - Make sure the payment details are correct. Call to check on a number you trust, not one from a message. Fraudsters can pretend to be someone else to change payment details, or to send an invoice. Learn more about invoice fraud.
Log on safely - We’ll never send you an email or a text with a direct link to a web page that wants you to log on or give personal or banking details. If you get a message like this, it’s a scam. Delete it. Never reply to this kind of message.
Delete it - You don’t have to reply to an email or text, or click on any links. If it’s genuine, the sender will try to contact you again.
If you get an email from us, there are many ways to tell if it's real or not.
We will:
We’ll never send a message that:
You can also check our email address to spot a scam. It should end with or and never have another word in-between lloydsbank and or .com.
This is a genuine email:
This is a scam email:
If you get a scam email, forward it to our fraud team: