Trading in China

We offer a range of Renminbi (RMB) services to help you when trading with China

Payments, currency accounts and foreign exchange services

Payments can be made on your behalf to mainland China and to offshore accounts.

RMB currency accounts allow you to receive and hold Renminbi, pending currency conversion or subsequent outward payment.

Our risk management services help you manage currency risk, transact spot deals and execute bespoke currency risk management trades. 

Trade cycle solutions

For importers, our services include:

  • Issuing RMB-denominated import letter of credit* locally for Chinese suppliers if required, allowing in-country document handling and checking.
  • Processing RMB-denominated inbound documentary collections.
  • Providing RMB-denominated import loans* for agreed terms linked to your trading cycle.

For exporters, our services include:

  • A UK-based dedicated exporter support team to work alongside you to maximise the financial benefits and eliminate country, counterparty and bank risks. 
  • Processing RMB-denominated outbound documentary collections.
  • Providing RMB-denominated export loans* and discounts (i.e. make early payment on) bills of exchange accepted by Chinese importers and guaranteed by their bank.
  • Providing a full range of contract bonds and guarantees, including bid and performance bonds* and advance payment guarantees to help you win contracts in China. 

For further information, please see our Dedicated factsheet (PDF, 400 KB) or Guide to Non-Sterling Currency Accounts (PDF, 722 KB)