Business loans
A flexible way to expand your business or invest in equipment.
Best Execution rules require investment firms to take all sufficient steps to obtain the best possible result for their clients when executing orders in financial instruments, whilst taking into account all relevant execution factors.
Further information can be found in ‘Our approach to Best Execution’.
Best Execution reporting requirements in the UK
In the UK, the FCA revoked this requirement to publish Quarterly (RTS 27) and Annual (RTS 28) best execution reports on 1st December 2021. LB and LBCM no longer publish these reports. Reports previously published are available on the Lloyds Bank website below.
If you have any queries regarding Best Execution Reporting, please contact
Best Execution Reporting requirements in the EU
In the European Union, the requirement to produce Quarterly reports has been suspended for two years until 28 February 2023. Lloyds Bank Corporate Markets Wertpapierhandelsbank GmbH (LBCMW) ceased to publish new quarterly best execution reports from Q1 2021. Reports will remain on our website for 2 years from the date of publication. However the requirement for the Annual best execution reports remain for LBCMW and will continue to be published on our website in the section below.
Quarterly reports remaining on the website were prepared in accordance with Best Execution rules in force at the date of that report. In that regard, the relevant data is provided by the execution venues to measure the quality of execution in relevant financial instruments. Annual reports are however prepared in accordance with current rules in force at the date of publication. Reports are represented by the following tables:
Table 1 – Information on the type of execution venue
Table 2 – Information on the type of financial instrument
Table 3 – Price information - Intraday
Table 4 – Price information - Daily
Table 5 – Costs information
Table 6 – Likelihood of execution for each trading day
Table 9 – Additional information relating to request for quote execution venues.
The best execution information required for tables 7 and 8 is not provided. This information relates to continuous auction order book and continuous quote driven trading systems which are not operated by Lloyds Bank (which is a trading name of Lloyds Bank Corporate Markets Wertpapierhandelsbank GmbH).
LloydsBankPlc_RTS27_Table1_2020_Q1 (CSV)
LloydsBankPlc_RTS27_Table2_2020_Q1 (CSV)
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LloydsBankPlc_RTS27_Table6_2020_Q2 (CSV)
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LloydsBankPlc_RTS27_Table1_2020_Q3 (CSV)
LloydsBankPlc_RTS27_Table2_2020_Q3 (CSV)
LloydsBankPlc_RTS27_Table3_2020_Q3 (CSV)
LloydsBankPlc_RTS27_Table4_2020_Q3 (CSV)
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LloydsBankPlc_RTS27_Table1_2020_Q4 (CSV)
LloydsBankPlc_RTS27_Table2_2020_Q4 (CSV)
LloydsBankPlc_RTS27_Table3_2020_Q4 (CSV)
LloydsBankPlc_RTS27_Table4_2020_Q4 (CSV)
LloydsBankPlc_RTS27_Table5_2020_Q4 (CSV)
LloydsBankPlc_RTS27_Table6_2020_Q4 (CSV)
LloydsBankPlc_RTS27_Table9_2020_Q4 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS27_Table1_2020_Q1 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS27_Table2_2020_Q1 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS27_Table3_2020_Q1 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS27_Table4_2020_Q1 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS27_Table5_2020_Q1 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS27_Table6_2020_Q1 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS27_Table9_2020_Q1 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS27_Table1_2020_Q2 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS27_Table2_2020_Q2 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS27_Table3_2020_Q2 (CSV)
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LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS27_Table6_2020_Q2 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS27_Table9_2020_Q2 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS27_Table1_2020_Q3 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS27_Table2_2020_Q3 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS27_Table3_2020_Q3 (CSV)
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LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS27_Table6_2020_Q3 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS27_Table9_2020_Q3 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS27_Table1_2020_Q4 (CSV)
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LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS27_Table3_2020_Q4 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS27_Table4_2020_Q4 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS27_Table5_2020_Q4 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS27_Table6_2020_Q4 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS27_Table9_2020_Q4 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table1_2020_Q1 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table2_2020_Q1 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table3_2020_Q1 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table4_2020_Q1 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table5_2020_Q1 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table6_2020_Q1 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table9_2020_Q1 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table1_2020_Q2 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table2_2020_Q2 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table3_2020_Q2 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table4_2020_Q2 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table5_2020_Q2 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table6_2020_Q2 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table9_2020_Q2 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table1_2020_Q3 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table2_2020_Q3 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table3_2020_Q3 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table4_2020_Q3 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table5_2020_Q3 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table6_2020_Q3 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table9_2020_Q3 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table1_2020_Q4 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table2_2020_Q4 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table3_2020_Q4 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table4_2020_Q4 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table5_2020_Q4 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table6_2020_Q4 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsMVGMBH_RTS27_Table9_2020_Q4 (CSV)
Investment firms to summarise and publish on an annual basis for each class of financial instruments the top 5 execution venues in terms of trading volumes where the firm executed client orders in the preceding year and also provide information on the quality of execution that was obtained in the previous year. Note that as a result of ring fencing Commodities, Debt Instruments and SFTs are included in LB until May 2018 only. This is represented by the tables in the accordion below:
LloydsBankPlc_RTS28_InterestRateDerivatives_Professional_2020 (CSV)
LloydsBankPlc_RTS28_CurrencyDerivatives_Professional_2020 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS28_CommodityDerivatives_Professional_2020 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS28_CurrencyDerivatives_Professional_2020 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS28_DebtInstruments_Professional_2020 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS28_InterestRateDerivatives_Professional_2020 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsPlc_RTS28_SFT_Professional_2020 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsWGMBH_RTS28_SFT_Professional_2020 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsWGMBH_RTS28_DebtInstruments_Professional_2020 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsWGMBH_RTS28_SFT_Professional_2021 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsWGMBH_RTS28_DebtInstruments_Professional_2021 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsWGMBH_RTS28_DebtInstruments_Professional_2022 (CSV)
LloydsBankCorporateMarketsWGMBH_RTS28_DebtInstruments_Professional_2023 (CSV)
Qualitative Report 2020 (PDF, 139KB)
Qualitative Report 2021 (PDF, 337KB)
The products and services outlined on this site may be offered by legal entities from across Lloyds Banking Group, including Lloyds Bank plc and Lloyds Bank Corporate Markets plc. Lloyds Bank plc, Lloyds Bank Corporate Markets plc and Lloyds Bank Corporate Markets Wertpapierhandelsbank GmbH are separate legal entities within the Lloyds Banking Group.
Calls may be monitored or recorded in case we need to check we have carried out your instructions correctly and to help improve our quality of service. Please note that any data sent via e-mail is not secure and could be read by others.
This report has been prepared for information purposes only. It should not be regarded as a marketing communication, and it is not intended to be investment research. Please note that Lloyds Bank is not acting as your advisor or fiduciary in any respect whatsoever in connection with the information provided.
The material contained in this report has been prepared on the basis of Lloyds Bank’s interpretation of the regulatory obligations and whilst Lloyds Bank has exercised reasonable care in its preparation, no representation or warranty, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information, express or implied, is given. Where information is based on assumptions or models, Lloyds Bank expressly disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the assumptions, models, inputs or estimates used. All such information, and any assumptions or data on which it is based is subject to change without notice.