International savings accounts
Save money in multiple currencies with our range of savings accounts.
Savings accounts
It’s easier to reach your savings goals when you have the right account. We’ll support you to get you there.
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Fixed Term Deposit
Lloyds Bank International Savings Account (fixed term deposits)
Benefits of this account
- Know exactly how much you'll earn.
- Available in Sterling, US Dollar and Euro.
- Terms 6 months to 2 years.
- 24/7 worldwide access to your accounts with mobile and internet banking.
Need to know
- No withdrawal until the end of the term.
- We will open a servicing account to pay your interest in.
- Accounts are domiciled in the Isle of Man.
- Available in many countries but not all.
Interest rates
Up to 4.00% £ Sterling Gross/AER
Up to 3.75% $ US Dollar Gross/AER
Up to 1.75% € Euro Gross/AER
Access: At the end of term
Minimum deposit: £10,000 /US$10,000/€10,000
Maximum deposit: £5 million /US$5,000,000/€5,000,000
International Instant Saver Account
Lloyds Bank International Savings Account (Instant Access)
Benefits of this account
- Available in Sterling, US Dollar and Euro.
- Make new deposits into your account at any time.
Need to know
- Interest is paid monthly.
- Accounts are domiciled in the Isle of Man.
- Available in many countries but not all.
Interest rates
Varies per currency and deposit
Minimum deposit: No minimum
Maximum deposit: No maximum
Apply for an account today
Our mobile banking app is available for all International customers
New Customers can apply via our Mobile Banking App or via the 'Apply now' button.
Existing Customers can apply for additional accounts via the 'Apply now' button.
Money Market
Lloyds Bank International Savings Account (Instant Access)
Benefits of this account
- Save in most major currencies.
- Instant access to your money via PhoneBank or Internet Banking.
- Interest paid monthly for Sterling, Euro and US dollar accounts, and half yearly for other currencies.
- 24/7 worldwide access to your accounts with mobile and internet banking.
Need to know
- Accounts are domiciled in the Isle of Man.
- Available in many countries but not all.
Interest rates
Variable interest rate based on current interest rates in the money markets
Minimum deposit: £10,000 (other currencies vary)
Full flexibility: make new deposits into your account at any time